The education sector in India has seen unprecedented growth in the recent years, from play-school chains, schools to universities. Our firm has advised business groups and non-profit entities to establish educational institutions, receive grants or investments, set up professional skilling processes and establish tie-ups with foreign universities and institutions. We have also advised our clients on public-private partnerships with the government to set up educational and training institutions.
Our firm advises clients on:
- Advising on the suitable legal structure for educational institutions, including trusts, joint ventures and franchises.
- Advising business to raise capital, expand and carry out business in a legally compliant manner.
- Reviewing, drafting, negotiating and execution of the documents including transaction documents, facility agreements, franchise agreement, service agreements, employee agreements, licensing agreements, and internal policies.
- Advising in expansion of business in form of trust, franchises, joint ventures and business collaboration arrangements and necessary documentation.
- Assisting in acquisition of properties by conducting title diligence, preparing sale or lease deeds, joint development agreement, and assisting with registration.
- Conducting periodic internal audit and ensuring comphrehensive compliance with central and state level ligislations.
- Comphrehensive litigation support including defence against IP infringment and consumer disputes.