A major contributor to the national economy is the manufacturing industry which comprises of but is not limited to the production of machines, steel, metal, hardware, software, electrical devices, textile, oil and natural gas.. Our firm provides extensive legal support, including in form of general corporate advisory, M&A, restructuring, insolvency, labour laws and dispute resolution. Our clients in this sector includes various listed and unlisted entities, public sector undertakings, and MSMEs.
Our firm advises clients on:
- Advising clients in setting up of industries and businesses and providing a comprehensive overview as to the applicable laws and regulations.
- Advising business to raise capital, expand and carry out business in a legally compliant manner.
- Assisting clients in corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and business collaborations for increasing market share and efficiency.
- Assisting in loan documentation and creation of security interests to obtain term loan, working capital and other forms of financial facilities.
- Reviewing, drafting, negotiating and execution of the documents including transaction documents, facility agreements, franchise agreement, service agreements, employee agreements, licensing agreements, and internal policies.
- Assisting in acquisition of properties by conducting title diligence, preparing sale or lease deeds, joint development agreement, and assisting with registration.
- Conducting periodic internal audit and ensuring comprehensive compliance with central and state level legislations.
- Assisting our clients with the compliance of labour and employment laws, and regulations and other contractual agreements.
- Comprehensive litigation support including defense against IP infringement, consumer disputes and labour disputes.